
A Little Book for New Preachers: Why and How to Study Homiletics is unavailable, but you can change that!

One of the central tasks of pastoral ministry is preaching the Word of God. Yet those who are called to ministry may feel unprepared, unable, or unwilling to step into this role. Moreover, the discipline of homiletics sometimes gets lost amid the exegetical questions, theological debates, and denominational disputes that overwhelm our attention. In this brief introduction to preaching, Matthew...

preachers] do not understand the true purpose of a sermon. They think it is intended to be merely a Scripture lesson, a moral essay, a homily, an oration, a ‘bit of uplift,’ or even a sociopolitical discussion.”9 Rather, in preaching, we are concerned ultimately with the glory of God and drawing listeners closer to him. We preach because at the end of the day preaching is the business of exalting and glorifying God and not ourselves. We take no credit. There is no greater joy for the preacher than
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